
How to serialize a custom type can be seen in the seralization example.


Type is a container for something you want to serialize. It holds the information how to serialize the object you created the type from, and a pointer to this object (void* obj).
Header#include <abmt/serialize.h>


type_id id
void* obj
serialize_type_info serialize_info


type(bool& o)
type(T& o)
type(float& o)
type(double& o)
type(std::string& o)
type(member_list lst)
type(abmt::blob& blk)
type(abmt::blob_shared& blk)
type(const member(&ptr)[N])
type(C& o, std::enable_if_t< obj_has_define_type< C >::value& &!std::is_integral< C >::value >* =0)Construct type from a class that has a define_type method.
type(C& o, std::enable_if_t< obj_serializes_to_json< C >::value& &!std::is_integral< C >::value >* =0)Construct type from a class that has a to_- / from_json method.
type(C& o, std::enable_if_t< obj_serializes_to_string< C >::value& &!std::is_integral< C >::value >* =0)Construct type from a class that has a to_- / from_string method.
type(C& o, std::enable_if_t<!obj_has_define_type< C >::value& &!std::is_integral< C >::value >* =0, std::enable_if_t<!obj_serializes_to_string< C >::value& &!std::is_integral< C >::value >* =0, std::enable_if_t<!obj_serializes_to_json< C >::value& &!std::is_integral< C >::value >* =0)When no other constructor works, this one is used. It utilizes define_type. When no implementation is found it defaults to "UNDEFINDED".
type(blob_type r)
type(string_type s)
type(scene_2d_type s)
type(scene_3d_type s)
type(const abmt::serialize::type& e)=default
type(abmt::serialize::type& e)=default
size_t get_def_size()
size_t get_def(void* def_buff, size_t def_size)
size_t get_size()
void serialize(void* data, size_t data_size)
void deserialize(void* data, size_t data_size)
void deserialize(void* data, size_t data_size, void* def_buff, size_t def_size)
double to_double(void* data_ptr, size_t data_len)
void from_double(double d)


type& operator=(T& rhs)


Header#include <abmt/serialize.h>


abmt::blob dataraw data. Can also be used to convert to string.
abmt::blob def


decoder(const decoder& )=delete
std::string to_string()This method returns "(cast me)". If you don't want to use the cast, you can access the raw data via the data member. creates a string out of the raw data.
void from_string(std::string)not used


operator T()copy is not allowed because of the ownership of the underling pointers. (You may have forgot to set the type in your cast expression.) Deserializes data and def to the type T.
