Get started

  1. Install dependencies: scons g++
  2. Download abmt (Link)
  3. Start abmt:
    ~/abmt-vxx$ ./abmt examples/get_started/start.acfg
  4. Follow instructions to request a license via the gui. This works also on remote machines.


  1. Edit crontab:
    $ crontab -e
  2. Add the following line:
    @reboot ~/abmt-vXX/abmt -s -ng path_to_my_ws/project/config.acfg

Connect to remote instance

  1. Open ssh with port forwarding of gui port
    $ ssh -L 15100:localhost:15100 user@host
  2. Start abmt with "-ng" on the remote machine
    ~/abmt-vxx$ ./abmt -ng examples/get_started/start.acfg
  3. Open local gui
    $ ./abmt-vXX/gui/abmt-gui
